
Workshop Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 7:30pm ~ Cleansing and Detoxifying for Body, Mind & Spirit Renewal with Dr. Martin Orimenko, DC, ND, FIACA

Workshop Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 7:30pm ~ Cleansing and Detoxifying for Body, Mind & Spirit Renewal with Dr. Martin Orimenko, DC, ND, FIACA

Many oHow Ayurveda Can Help Add Years To Your Lifef us are now eating quite healthy, but the world is full of pollutants and our diets aren’t always perfect.

We accumulate toxins, as well as mucous, in spite of our best efforts to eat clean.  A clogged, toxic or imbalanced digestive tract can make or break your energy, mood, mental clarity, immune response and much more.  Toxins can also affect your liver, kidneys, blood, lungs and skin.


You will learn about:

  •       Tried and true methods of cleansing and detoxifying.
  •       Foods to eat while cleansing.
  •       Natural supplements to support & accelerate your cleanse.
  •       How to survive the holiday season feeling refreshed and renewed.

When your system is clean, you have more energy, more clarity, you live longer and you get sick much less.

Dr. Martin Orimenko is a Chiropractor, Naturopath & Nutritionist.  He is trained in acupuncture, ayurveda and several other healing modalities.

Dr. Martin incorporates physical treatments as well as nutritional testing and lifestyle counseling.   He is the founder and director of the Live Well Holistic Health Center in Ardmore. In practice for over 20 years, he has helped thousands of patients achieve new levels of health and vitality.

Register by phone (610) 896-1554, by emailing us Thrive@LiveWellHolisticHealth.com or online by clicking the “Schedule Now” button.  Workshop Cost only $15.