Behavior Modification Tips for Healthy Weight
Dr. Martin Orimenko at the Live Well Holistic Health Center…
Allergies and Their Cure
Losing Weight for Your Health? Simple Eating Habits to Get You Started
At Live Well Holistic Health, we believe that losing weight is a matter of adopting the right eating habits. Choosing foods that create a balanced meal, paying attention to those that give you the greatest amount of nutrition, is key.
Workshop Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 7:30pm ~ Cleansing and Detoxifying for Body, Mind & Spirit Renewal with Dr. Martin Orimenko, DC, ND, FIACA
Many of us are now eating quite healthy, but the…
Coconut Cranberry Power Bars
Many of our patients tell us they have a hard…
Nutritional Counseling Services For All Ages Near Philadelphia
Our bodies are miraculous creations that respond and grow well naturally with care and balanced support and attention. To ensure a long and beautiful life and to enjoy it along the way, a holistic approach towards health beginning with proper nutrition is key. The simple rule of thumb is to nourish the body, mind and spirit with nutrient-dense organic whole foods containing vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients and anti-oxidants, and omit GMO’s and empty, chemical laden processed food lacking in nutrients.Although we are all human, everyone is different with unique sensitivities and needs specific to each of us. Practitioners with diverse holistic backgrounds are able to steer the individual towards custom diets and care that produce remarkable gains in the quality of our health. Seeking a holistic nutritional counselor can make a world of difference in steering a course towards a vibrant life.
Recipe: Dairy-Free Pine Nut Ricotta Spread
Those of you who visited us at this month’s Clover…
Recipe: Super Easy Chia Seed Pudding
Many of our patients ask us for ideas on how…
Basic Principles of Holistic Nutrition in Pennsylvania
Nutrition is fundamental to optimal health and living a balanced life. Holistic nutrition is the naturopathic approach towards diet, and diet supplementation, as it considers the health and well being of the entire person. Holistic Nutrition is a facet of the larger plan toward Holistic Health and includes the mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as that of the physical body.
Flu Prevention
Avoiding a serious case of influenza is not about vaccination…