Chiropractic care is centered on a simple and powerful assertion that the better balanced and healthy the spine and nervous system is, the easier it is for the body, mind and spirit to heal, restore and maintain itself. The spinal cord, protected by the spine itself, is the primary message carrier for the entire nervous system. All movement, function and feeling is controlled through the spine.
At its most rudimentary level, chiropractic care is concentrated on relieving spinal subluxations. A subluxation is the term meaning when one or more of the bones of the spine have moved from proper position, creating spinal pressure or irritating spinal nerves. Spinal misalignments cause everything from pain, tingling, and numbness, to the improper functioning of all general body systems. It is important to know that not only the bones are involved, but the nerves, the muscle components, the soft tissues as well as the chemical component.
Chiropractors have been aware of the negative effects of subluxations for more than one hundred years. To experience total health, it is imperative that the nervous system functions freely. The Chiropractor – through gentle adjustments, restores the natural spinal position, alleviating pain and general illness by restoring natural functions. It is a holistic practice that takes into consideration the entire person, mind body and spirit.
Live Well Holistic Health Center in Ardmore, PA
Live Well Holistic Health Center is a beautiful and welcoming place focusing on natural treatments and modalities that assist and maintain a balanced body, mind and spirit. Live Well is under the carful direction of Dr. Martin Orimenko DC, ND, a licensed Chiropractor, Nutritionist and Naturopath, who includes Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Clinical Nutrition as well as Sports medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and Acupuncture to the modalities he practices. Dr. Orimenko has practiced Chiropractics for 23 years on more than 6,000 patients, bringing a wealth of holistic experience to this gentle effective approach.
Orchestrated Holistic Care
Dr. Orimenko’s rich background enables him to care for his patients in a more orchestrated manner. His ability to combine modalities allows him to approach the total person through many perspectives within a single session. Using complimentary modalities and natural solutions in tandem exacts a more economical and efficient session as well.
Each session with Dr. Orimenko is generally 30 minutes of blended care with his primary focus in chiropractic techniques to gently reposition bones and soft tissue liberating free flowing energy through the spine. Massage for myofascial release and additional physical therapies that may include far-infrared and vibration, laser acupuncture and acupressure are also applied as required.
Chiropractics and More
Live Well also boasts an impressive staff of practitioners that practice a range of treatments including Massage Therapy, Flower Essence Therapy, Food Education and Life Coaching. The benefits of combined modalities to better serve, is highly considered at our center, and combined care from seasoned professionals is the best prescription.
The Live Well Holistic Health Center is devoted to helping people to thrive through holistic and natural approaches. We are here to help and to serve. Let us support you here at the Center. Feel free to contact us through our online form, use our online scheduling tool or call (610) 896-1554 to make an appointment.