
Intake Forms

Before your first visit at Live Well Holistic, you will be asked to complete an intake form.  There is a specific intake form for New Patients of Dr. Martin Orimenko, as well as for new Therapeutic Massage clients, and new Salt & Sauna clients.  You are welcome to complete the intake form online by clicking the appropriate intake form to get started. 
These forms work best on a desktop or laptop, and do not work well on a smart phone.  You are welcome to come early to do the forms here at Live Well before your appointment if you prefer. 
Please note that we do run on time for our patients and clients, so we ask that you come a little early if you will be doing the Intake Form here at Live Well before your session.  The New Patient Intake form takes about 20 minutes to complete.  The Therapeutic Massage form, and the Salt & Sauna form each take about 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this information ahead of time, so that we can give you the best experience and care here at Live Well.  We look forward to seeing you soon!