Many people think that the only way to get really healthy foods is by spending double the normal amount of money at a health food store. True, there you will most likely get the best organic products, but today common supermarkets are offering a surprising variety of natural products that make excellent choices for a nutritious diet.
At Live Well Holistic Health, we are happy to provide you with a short list of the top healthy foods to pick up at the supermarket in order to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need. This always means fresh produce, whole grains, and heart-smart oils. Here are a few specific foods that we feel you should always have on hand:
Apples are rich in quercetin, which is a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain pectin and polyphenols to help reduce cell damage and fiber to help reduce LDL cholesterol and body weight.
Oatmeal is high in manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and fiber. It helps to lower cholesterol, prevent or deal with heart disease and diabetes, stabilize blood sugar levels, strengthen the immune system, and has high anti-oxidant properties to prevent other forms of disease. It is also excellent for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or other signs of cardiovascular disease.
Omega 3 Fortified Eggs
Omega 3 fortified eggs have all nutrients of regular eggs plus up to 300 mg of fatty acids that protect heart. Be sure to get eggs with the Certified Humane Raised and Handled label, which means they have been inspected by an independent animal welfare group.
Organic Fat-Free Milk
Cows that graze on a diet of grass and clover produce milk that has high levels of essential antioxidants and fatty acids. You may pay more, but your milk will last longer in the refrigerator due to it being ultra-pasturized.
Greek Yogurt
With twice the protein and half the sodium as regular yogurt, Greek Yogurt has lots of calcium, is rich and creamy, and contains the healthy bacteria you need for good digestion. Choose 0% fat to keep the calories to a minimum.
Salmon is one of best sources of the omega 3s you can get, which helps to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Wild is better than farm raised because it is lower in contaminants, but if you can’t find it, then be sure to remove the skin after cooking as that is where the pollutants are found.
Spinach is rich in iron and contains abundant antioxidants. Helping to deliver more oxygen to the cells, the antioxidants also help to lower the risk of macular degeneration.
Almonds make an extremely nutritious great snack and are great for losing weight as they contain a hunger-suppressing hormone. They also are high in protein and help to lower LDL cholesterol.
Olive Oil
Virgin cold pressed olive oil has exceptional anti-inflammatory benefits, which helps to prevent the cells lining the blood vessels from becoming damaged. A high quality olive oil has great anti-cancer benefits, making it well worth the extra cost.
Contact Us
For more information on healthy foods, as well as the health protocols you will find at Live Well Holistic Health, contact us via our online form or scheduling tool or simply call: 610 896 1554.