How Ayurveda Can Help Add Years To Your Life
How Ayurveda Can Help Add Years To Your LifeAt times, the idea of aging in good health sounds like an oxymoron, but with life expectancy increasing, it is more realistic to assume that we can preserve a youthful vigor regardless of how old we are. At Live Well Holistic Health, our mission is to provide you with protocols that place the body in balance in order to enhance life, no matter what your chronological age.
What is the Difference Between Ayurveda and other Forms Of Medicine
Ayruvedic medicine is an ancient medical science that has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Originating in India, Aryuvedic means the “science of life,” and brings an integrated approach to healing that embraces physical, mental, and spiritual balance in order to create optimum health.
The Hidden Causes of Back Pain
As a chiropractor I am often asked why so many…
What is Ayurveda?
‘Ayurveda’ (the ‘science of life’) is the most ancient complete…
Dr. Martin Orimenko’s Philosophy
MY PHILOSOPHY Dr. Martin Orimenko, DC, ND, FIACA I believe…