
Author Archives: admin

There is no other force in our modern lives more responsible for off-setting the natural mind/body balance like stress. Responding to constant stress has our shoulders tense, our backs clenched and our jaws locked. Undue stress puts strain on our hearts, increases our blood pressure, affects our capacity to think and act clearly and disrupts sleep patterns. Stretching the mind/body by means of conscious expansion, rather than force, is an excellent way to regain body harmony, peace and balance. Here are a few simple ways of stretching that can help eliminate stress. Take a deep breath, exhale, and read on.

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Nutrition is fundamental to optimal health and living a balanced life. Holistic nutrition is the naturopathic approach towards diet, and diet supplementation, as it considers the health and well being of the entire person. Holistic Nutrition is a facet of the larger plan toward Holistic Health and includes the mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as that of the physical body.

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“Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone”. Jim Fiebig

We are ageless inside, and we are the power and the presence of nature. We are beauty. The wondrous thing about aging is that the changes from youth to mature adult awaken us to a presumed time limit. The changes in our bodies alert us to be about the business of living now, and make it count. Rather than a race against time, aging is rather the slow awakening to a greater and greater love for all of creation as expressed in the now. “Natural ways to ease into the aging process” really means “natural ways to ease into the living process” now that you are old enough to know you are really here, mind, body and spirit.

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Orthotics can help address Plantar Fascitis, Knee Pain, Hip Pain,…

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Not so very long ago, the idea of approaching health from any point of view outside the Western allopathic perspective in mainstream America was considered engaging in quackery. Thankfully those days are gone with the help of clear open thinking and research that sites the many advantages of alternative approaches to health and wellness.

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Not so very long ago, the idea of approaching health from any point of view outside the Western allopathic perspective in mainstream America was considered engaging in quackery. Thankfully those days are gone with the help of clear open thinking and research that sites the many advantages of alternative approaches to health and wellness.

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Holistic protocols and therapies for health and well being are finally moving into the consciousness of our world as viable means of caring for ourselves mind body and spirit. Some therapies like acupuncture and acupressure have been around for thousands of years while other protocols have evolved from the wisdom of the ancient natural traditions to make the best use of modern perspectives and technologies. We now know that the medical aspects of “disease” are not all there is to it, and that our body mind and spirit is a complicated ecosystem of interactions best treated with an orchestration of care. Acupressure and acupuncture are ancient and are a part of that brilliant holistic system of care.

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What if I told you that you probably already know…

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[This article, from Brie Zeltner, the Plain Dealer, on Cleveland.Com,…

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